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the long road of bromine detox?
newholland Views: 7,502
Published: 13 y

the long road of bromine detox?

Hi all-- I'm new around here, and am pretty new to Iodine supplementation. I've been working up from about 2 mg a day to now 50 over the last 4 months. I feel a lot of benefits from the whole process-- largely in the gut, but also a lot more mental clarity, better sleep, better breathing, less allergy irritation, etc.. but I'm still needing to salt load, to stave off headaches.

I was previously a) a vegetarian for 2 decades, b) on halide based antidepressants for several years,c) have municipal, fluoridated water and d) work in the building trades-- so I'm sure I'm a prime candidate for getting rid of all MEANS of crap from my system- but I guess I'm just looking for any idea of how long it's going to take to detox. I'm pulse dosing now to mitigate it, as well as salt loading two to three times daily... but I still have what feels like a swollen sore neck, and headaches, and a hell of a lot of irritability.

Any help would be appreciated! Thanks in advance--


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