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Re: Leaving Alone with Moisturizer
Healing2021 Views: 3,601
Published: 13 y
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Re: Leaving Alone with Moisturizer

Yeah I have been using vaseline for about a week now and my skin layers are still on. Im just smart about when applying it. I know that it causes your layers to come off a little faster, but who says thats a bad thing? Maybe they come off faster because they are healing faster under moisture, or maybe them being moisturized and coming off a bit quicker still is beneficial just because they arent so dry (like a trade-off, they come off quicker but heal faster because its moisture).

Anyways I did get coconut oil the other day for this purpose, and probably will stay away from the Aquaphor, thanks for the heads up Daniel.


You have been using coconut oil for awhile right? How is it working for you?


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