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Leaving Alone with Moisturizer
Healing2021 Views: 3,708
Published: 13 y

Leaving Alone with Moisturizer

So I remember when I spoke to my family friend, who is a well known and successful dermatologist, she said she had seen this before and told me to use vaseline on my lips and to LEAVE THEM ALONE, allowing them to heal.

Although I used vaseline for awhile I dont think I ever gave my lips a good shot of healing because I was constantly peeling the skin off. I have posted a few times on here asking if anyone tried using ointments, and truly gave their lips a chance to heal and nobody seemed to.

So I think im going to try this for awhile at least while I wait for this Cyclosporine to kick in. I might use Aquafor because my doc told me its just Vasline with Lanolin, which moisturizes and is natural. Also I saw my doctor today and my body is doing really well with the Cyclosporine, my blood pressure is actually better than before. I also got blood work done and will know those results soon.

Anyways, a lot of people have been saying good things about the "leave it alone" method, so this is just a variant of that. I figure if our lips can heal under those bone dry conditions, using moisturizer cant hurt. Ive been using vasline for almost a week now and the skin layers are still on so I just have to be careful.



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