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Name change: Braindamage to livingHealthy
LivingHealthy Views: 1,577
Published: 13 y

Name change: Braindamage to livingHealthy

Hi everyone,

I changed my username!

Problems: Underweight 169cm, 47kg, psoriasis, bilirubin, Anemia (still don't know which one, will find out wednesday) Vitamind D deficiency (which i find shocking, since my skin is pretty dark while my family is white, they do color fast under the sun.) this whole summer I have been sunbathing everyday the sun was shining.

Thanks for all the tips. i have been reading about everything you all said.

my plan till wednesday, the day i see my docotor:

I bought vitamin D3. i only got the 1000 ius, they didn't had 10.000 is this a problem chrisb1? will this have any effect? they are from fish liver oils. I will use each capsule a day if the sun isn't shining. Should vitamin d3 be taken on a empty stomach or like the decsription say's: with food?

I also ordered Lecithin Soja based. I read that these can help aid the liver.

I am on fruits and vegetables, nothing cooked. I do eat sourdough bread (water and whole wheat, no salt). and vitamin d3 when sun not shining. I was wondering if I should add legumes and or nuts and seeds?

Tomorrow i wil get the carrot (to juice). I will also try the tumeric. In the past I have been using flaxseed oil toppicaly and it didn't work. But i think the real underlying problem should be adressed first. I think i have been focussing to much on my Psoriasis while the real reason will be known this wednesday. Also shocking because a few months ago blood results didn't show anything bad.

water fasting:
Can 1 day every 2 weeks aid? I know more day's will definitly help, but I want to mainatin my weight and use the 1 day fast to "clean" my body. Or is it really neccesarry to do atleast 2 or 3 day's?

I want to go on fitness. or is this to much?

Braindamage is no more it's Livinghealthy now!


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