Welcome again, LivingHealthy!
I am so happy and pleased with all the changes around you!
Concerning the darker skin tone - darker people would get deficient easier than lighter at equally low sun exposure, since skin melanin acts as UV-block. So you need more sun exposure than your family, if they are lighter.
Concerning vitamin D: I would take at least 5 caps daily if no sun exposure, I know Chris would advise for 10 caps to make it up to 10 000 UI.
Paradoxically enough, as final result, more WF, but more often lead to greater weight loss, than lesser number of WF, but greater in length. So maybe you can try 3 days every 2 weeks for example. Then you could even increase the length as your body gets stronger.
There is only good in being physically active on non-fasting days, as far as you respect your body's signals and limits. I guess it would be reasonable to include wider protein/amino-acid sources, such as nuts and seeds. Especially soaked nuts for 4 hrs, almonds - for 8 hrs, through the water after and rinse, cover again with pure water and let them rest under not-sealed cover to sprout over night - for some nuts it takes longer to get the "bud", i.e. the tip to start growing. Use clean, preferably organic, RAW nuts and seeds. If you are going to put part of them in fridge afterwards, rinse and cover with water every day. They will be good for a week+ in that state. Sprouting them makes them more absorbable, needless to say: chew very very well.
Suggestion: tests for Gluten allergy, which are antigliadin, antitransglutaminase and antiendomysial Antibodies, since Gluten allergy/celiac disease is so widespread, can give anemia, weight loss, deficiencies and skin inflammation .... If positive you will need to switch to different bread, excluding also rye, barley and maybe oat. The confusing part is many people are gluten intolerant without necessarily being Allergic to it. It can manifest different ways: chronic sinusitis, getting colds often, fatigue, ear inflammations, skin rashes, weight loss, abdominal cramps ... Gluten provokes the body to expel it, if not well digested through thick mucus that is breeding ground for many bacteria and viruses, hence the different sites of inflammation, according to everyone's feeble points.
The key would be observing your body's reaction to every food, including Wheat! Rather, first and foremost Wheat, other gluten containing flours and products, Casein (and meats for meat eaters).
Keep doing the good job,
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