why me why you?
this is unfair! i really think my life has been stolen from me.
i mean there has to be an answer! you can get something out of nothing. something is feeding this.
i fkcuking hate my life! hate it so much sorry guys but fkuck this is a joke i think im in a nightmare or something!
i cant take this shiitt anymore!
what do you guys do? how do you guys live?
iv been inside my house for like 6 months now. driving me crazy i cant go out in public with these lips people laugh and stare and lick there lips and walk back 10 metres when they look at me. how are we meant to live in a society were image is everything???
and its not its the pain aswell 24/7 it doesnt leave i cant eat smile drink brush my tetth cant do anything!
what are you guys doing?
iv quite my job my social life everything. just sit on computer and tv and sit outside sometimes and stare for hours and hours sometimes i sit outside and it feels like i been there for an hour but really i been there for 6 or 8 hours? i know im not going crazy but geeeeezz its like my mind is blank doesnt know what is happening to me.
sorry guys but i need some help you guys are the only ones that understand.