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Re: KNOW YOUR Source of infection and avoid eating RAW things..
TropicalBoy Views: 3,435
Published: 13 y
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Re: KNOW YOUR Source of infection and avoid eating RAW things..

Several types of gastro parasites will hamper with your food uptake one way or other, by causing damage on intestine walls, or by hampering with bile duct, by affecting food enzymes etc etc. and some of them are destroying white blood cells in gastro also (that normally are regulating normal flora), there are many complex processes here not fully understand by science, but we know that several pathogen parasites (in gastro) will affect food digestion and affect immune system of gastro.

This makes your body no longer able to properly digest the food. When food not are properly digested then there is plenty of left over food to normal flora. Candida is one of the normal floras, so yes candida and many bacterias are likely to overgrow when you have a real gastro pathogen.

So in my view it is more likely that candida over growth is a symptom rather than a cause. but yes if any normal flora over grow that can likely cause symptoms also, but it is unlikely to be the cause. Naturally too little is known about this as the functions can be very complex. It is however unlikely that candida causes problem in healthy person that eat "normal" healthy and have normal healthy immune system.

So this is what you have to ask yourself, is it a real pathogen that have made your body in unbalance? yes then part of normal flora will likely over grow, but is it the cause or the symptoms. Yes there are different views on this as it is not properly researched. But everyone has some candida and it sounds a bit strange that our bodies that are controlling candida every day of our lives suddenly should not be able to control a bug that it is so used to and is part of normal flora.

if bowl wall has micro perforations as classical books on tropical medicine says often occur in EH infection, then possibly candida much easier also can get into blood stream and be transported to other areas of body.

Again too little is known about this, but there are good reasons to think candia over growth is more a symptom than a cause, but who knows. As a minimum one should first have proper diagnosticians exclude real known pathogens before one focus on over growth of normal flora. Unfortunately almost every doctor want simple answers rather than doing extensive and proper testing. and many patients are "happy" as long as they get a name on their symptoms and some symptom treatment drugs..I n particular when the doctor says yes this so many have, it is quite normal, it is IBS, chronic fatigue syndrome, colitis, depression, wrong diet or something like that... Before doing properly testing and diagnosis of potential real pathogens how can one tell patients such crap?


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