Re: Who is doing Jorge's anti-fungal treatment program?
also, just a few comments on the enemas in case you don't know how to do them, this is what works for me:
for the first enema, after its inside you, just lay on your left side, lower leg extended, upper leg bent at the knee, lay like this for about 5 min or so, then expel it.
second enema, do the same, but after 5 or 10 min, roll onto your back, maybe put your legs up if you can. then roll back onto left side for another 5 or 10 min, then expel.
do the same thing again for the third, but this time, you guessed it, after laying on your back, roll over to your right side for 10 min, then back onto your back, then back to left side, then expel.
maybe do this one a few more times if you want, then for the last one, keep it inside you as long as possible. jorge says overnight, i've managed up to 24 hours. by that point its pretty much absorbed and you wont really expel any liquid.
it will be much easier to hold the last enema inside you if you expel all feces first, which is what the previous enemas will do.
good luck all, and try upping the baking soda to 2 tablespoons per gallon. its working for me, and i dont think i'll even need the nystatin. also, i do every enema with this mixture, not just the last one. i don't know if that helps or not.
also, i use "miracle fiber" from the vitamin shoppe to help bowel movements, and i usually have a bm first thing in the morning so my intestines are fairly clean when i do the enemas which helps.
i've been doing these for about a month, but circumstances beyond my control forced me to deviate from the diet a few times, so i lost a lot of progress. i was honestly feeling "back to normal" before a week with the family forced me off the diet.
but only in the past few days have i increased the baking soda amount, and it's already kicking ass. i am amazed.