Re: Iodine made me Hyperthyroid?
A few lab tests only reveal a partial picture. Kind of like stating that your fuel tank is full, pedal to the metal, RPMs high, but your car is moving slowly. There's obviously something wrong, but the picture is incomplete.
Consider type 2 hypothyroidism, or thyroid hormone resistance. It could be a Calcium/Potassium imbalance intracellularly, or too much Calcium negating thyroid hormones.
What's your basal temperature over at least 3 days?
What is your Reverse T3 (rT3)? High rT3 is like the OFF switch to thyroid hormone response, like a feedback safety when T3 rises too high to prevent hyperthyroidism.
Numerous problems can result in high rT3 such as elevated cortisol from stress, hormonal imbalance, and nutritional deficiencies.
On top of rT3, check for any thyroid antibodies, cortisol, and ferritin. Make sure to get plenty of Sun or some way to generate Vitamin D (secosteroid) naturally too.