I wouldn't waste your money (or blood) on the copper/zinc serum testing. You HAVE TO get the hair analysis. ARL Labs is one of the few that does not wash the hair prior to testing, which is imperative for accurate results. Serum testing only shows the amounts in your blood... not what is stored in your tissue.
I've had one hair analysis which showed low (or hidden) copper overload. I just sent off for my second hair analysis after trying to chelate/balance out the copper for about 5 months. I am hoping that it will show that I am eliminating copper now. Should get the results back in two weeks.
I've tried to determine if the Paragard IUD has silicone but I can't find anything about that online. If anyone knows, please tell me! I think I would rather have copper toxicity than silicone toxicity - silicone toxicity seems impossible to correct. Actually - I'd rather have neither!!!