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DCA for parasites Dichloroacetic acid -sodium dichloroacetate and potassium dichloroacetate
  Views: 3,171
Published: 13 y

DCA for parasites Dichloroacetic acid -sodium dichloroacetate and potassium dichloroacetate

Has anyone tried DCA for parasites?

Although it is advertised as a potential cancer killing drug because it induces apoptosis (killing of bad cells which cancer disables), it also seems to be a disinfectant.

The Triclabendazole which is apparently not in the US is a mixture of Albendazole and Chlorine. So we now use Albendazole and other available medications and still don't get better.

What if we mixed the Sodium or potassium DCA with a antihelmetic?

Does anyone think this is a possible solutiobn?

Additionally, another antihelmetic which does not seem to be available in the US is Bithionol. It too contains Chlorine. It was the DOC for Taenia Solium according to one medical website.

So, the antihelmetics that contain chlorine are not avaialbe in the US. How is that?

I accidentally cured a severe headache in about 2 minutes after I sprayed some bleach to kill fungus in a basement. I did not see any fungus but because I was so sick I thought I should spray a little diluted bleach and found that after a couple minutes of spraying and smelling the bleach, which was not very strong at all, my severe headache went away. It ended like someone flipped a switch, it was amazing.

After that I started to use bleach a lot. I added it to the bottom of the tub when showering, I added it to the kitchen sink when washing dishes and I sprayed absolutely nothing in my basmenet ocassionally just to make sure I was not growing fungus.

We have chlorine in our drinking water and we bathe in it if we have city water supply. There is a reason it is there. Also I found that there is speculation that chlorine causes cancer in swimmers who quit swimming. Maybe they need their chlorine, maybe they purified their body by swimmming often and when they quit they came into contact with too many bacteria fungi parasites, and virus that they could not fight off and their end result was cancer.

Whatever the reason, I find that the only thing missing between the meds we can get for helminths are lacking the chloine molecules and that may be the key for some people dealing with parasite issues. There must be a reason that the chlorine molecules were added in the first place. And, of course they are not avaialbe in the US because only third world countries have parasites. ROTFLMFAO

Please any experience with DCA is appreciated along with comments. All my thoughts above are speculative and I am not suggesting anyone try what I mentioned as I am not a medical professional, scientist, or other.


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