That is amazing, I am so sorry to hear your story, I had the mirena coil for 2 1/2 years it was after 18 months that I started complaining about various things, they all came on gradually, hair loss, blurry vision & dry eyes, joint pain, numbness, tingling and hot legs plus so many more. I too was hospitalised a few times with no findings, My gp and the hospital wanted a MRI of my brain done, my gp was hesitant cause she had recently read an article about MRI's showing clusters (that usually meant nothing but then you are down that path )usually one cluster for every decade of age (mine being possibly 4) my symptoms only got worse so she then sent me for an MRI and thankfully all was clear. I am no doctor but I know that many people on this wonderful site have been down the MS path myself included, it is scary, anxiety played a big part in my symptoms( and still does) none of this I had ever experienced before, I wish you all the best and hope that you get a lot of responses as this is an amazing story, there are alot of very informed and well reserched ladies on this site that hopefully can give you some good advice, take care.