Re: Hospital today...
I read that not drinking enough water can cause your intestinal lining to thin. I drank so much soda pop when I acquired this.
Antibiotics and other medications also strip mucus from the lining. I am going to focus on thin intestinal lining, which may also affect the adrenal gland and thyroid. I have no idea why people get
Psoriasis on different parts of the body. Maybe that is where body releases toxins through skin that it is unable to effectively eliminate in body. The common denominator is a feeding IV stops
Psoriasis no matter where it is located on the body.
Oh, I tried the leave alone method shortly after I acquired EC to see if allergies were causing it. The longest I went without putting anything on my lips was a year. However, my lips did not crust as much as Daniel's lips. The first time I tried the leave alone method, the crusts were yellowish-orange for about 3 months. Then, the crusts turned a clear color unless it was flaking off, then it would turn yellowish-clear. So, my lips did not look as bad during leave alone method. People would just think I was severely dehydrated with severely chapped lips. From what I read, there are various causes of
Psoriasis (if this is psoriasis). Perhaps lip injury causes heal differently than internal causes like allergy or thin intestinal lining. My top lip already healed by avoiding an allergy so I am determined to also get rid of the EC on my bottom lip ASAP.