Re: Hospital today...
There ARE NO specialists for this condition. There is NO cream for this condition (well, there might be, but one cream that works for one doesn't have to work for a second patient). Everyone here seems to be pounding on all doctors.. What do you want them to do?! If they told you to go home because they didn't have a cure for you, what would you say then? "Stupid doctors"... If both alternatives they offer (letting you try some medication or not doing anything) will make you mad because they are so "incompetent", then don't see a doctor and treat yourself.
Of course there are arrogant doctors, just as there are arrogant lawyers, bankers, etc... but there are also very caring and good doctors, who still don't have a cure for this. All they can do is to let you try things.
What could also be done to find a solution for different people would be clinical studies with many patients, but that would also include trying many different creams and combinations of creams and there just aren't enough cases that could be included in such a study. So everything that is done are just one case studies..
You should give those doctors a break. They aren't "god" (even though some might think they are) and therefor can't perform magic :)