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Re: Curing dysfunctional colon thru water fasting

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chrisb1 Views: 6,547
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Re: Curing dysfunctional colon thru water fasting

Hello Kate1960,
the first point to address is that this Doctor of Cellular Biology who states...............

"people who fast for extended periods (beyond 10 days) can become so clean and sensitive to toxins that they can actually set themselves up for cancer later".......... pure fiction. A fast will strengthen the immune system, which is our first line of defence against any disease, and esp' cancer. In addition, a toxemia-free body is not a receptacle for ANY disease, including viral diseases.
It is the general opinion within Alternative circles, including Natural Hygiene, that there are three dispositions towards developing cancer, and they are: endogenous and exogenous bodily toxins, nutritional deficiencies, and undue stress resulting in varying degrees of enervation.
Therefore, a toxemia-free body (achieved by fasting) that is nutritionally optimized and free from undue stress, does not and will not develop cancer (or any other disease). I overcame Leukemia over 30 years ago using the above protocol after two extended water-only-fasts, and optimizing my nutritional status.

I believe you were right to have the colonic pre-fast to remove the hardened mucoid plaque which inhibits the absorption of nutrients, and instigates the curse of constipation, whilst simultaneously producing a sluggish bowel and colon.
The fast will now allow your colon to rest and recuperate along with the cleansing and healing of your entire body, but the fast is only as effective as the self-healing powers that body has as its disposal, and which are considerable, but vary with our state of enervation.
The length of the fast to achieve your aims will need to be 20 plus days, but the crucial part is how you break it and with what, to achieve the max' benefit to your body and colon/bowels.

Post-fast, a high-fibre-diet (soluble and insoluble) (high-water-content) will be required to stimulate your bowels/colon back into full activity, but what is overlooked here by many, is the crucial part played by exercise after the refeeding period is over. Exercise is crucial to the proper and efficient functioning of the entire digestive system, including all of the organs of elimination as a whole.
I would recommend a Nutritarian way of eating post-fast.
If you are unsure as to how to break a fast successfully, (or even how to conduct one) to achieve the max' benefits, then please let us know and feel free to post any and all queries for guidance.

Your use of hormone replacement (estrogen, testosterone, progesterone) will have only served to make your ductless glands "lazy" and in many cases "redundant", so personally I would discontinue their use to allow your ductless glands and your entire endocrine system to be kick-started back into their usual full and natural vigour.

Dr H M Shelton had this to say re' the Menopause......
Care of the Patient: "To correct all devitalizing habits and build good health will remove the symptoms of ill-health. The "change" per se is not pathological and nothing can be done for it".

I hope this has been of some help.




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