Re: hellow everyone
I tested positive for gluten sensitivity and am now attempting a strict gluten-free diet.
Just want to add that my naturopath says if gluten is responsible for skin problems, it can take 3-6 months of not being exposed to it to see the benefits. And gluten is in everything, as you all know, even things like oats which I've been eating religiously since I got this condition.
It's important to soak your grains too, as many whole grains contain phytic acid which steals nutrients from you, such as calcium, magnesium, copper, iron, and zinc, and prevents proper digestion. So remember, even if you focus on one thing for your healing, you may end up losing health in another way. I think I did that with the oats. You can't get depressed or stressed on a limited diet either, as that may increase your cortisol levels and weaken your immune system to fight any pathogens in the lips.
In other words, we need a whole-body-mind approach to defeat this condition. Good luck.