Re: Day 3 Update
Hi Raj,
you will find some relief from the discomfort now you have had the enema, but I would refrain from any further enemas as they can make the bowels sluggish post-fast, plus of course they are enervating as the early pioneers of Natural Hygiene discovered with their use.
Water-Bathing is essential on a fast with some careful skin-brushing to stimulate the skin into its elimination role, plus of course you may develop body odour as when eating.
Air bathing and sun-bathing is also advisable in moderation. Both air bathing and sunbathing are considered more important than water-bathing within Natural Hygiene circles.
being careful not to chill or feel cold as this will check elimination and be enervating as well.
The quality of water is important but sometimes we have to make do with what we have. You could try a water-purifier and water-bathe by hand to avoid the chemicals within municipal tap water.
BP is best measured in the resting state such as first thing in the morning on arising: this will give you an accurate reflection of your true BP, as it will tend to fluctuate during the day in response to activity or emotional/mental stimulation.