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Re: My progress and testimonies !!
dvjorge Views: 3,121
Published: 13 y
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Re: My progress and testimonies !!

No, I have no stopped the enemas yet.
There is one reason, I still can see candida colonies coming out when I do them, in spite I don't have any single symptom. I have reduced the fungal load enough that the amount of toxins that are circulating in my blood can not cause symptoms. I doesn't mean I ended it.
My definition of a cure is returning to a normal life, eating what I want, having no symptoms, and no living thinking about candida will come back if you put a peace of bread in your mouth. It doesn't matter if I want to chose a healthy Diet for the future or if you want to be eating junk food.

When I stop, I will be eating McDonalds, Soda, Beers, Ice Cream, pizza, etc for 2 or 3 months.
I will provoke the infection with the worse offender food.

If I relapse, ( thing I am almost sure I won't ) I know how correct it in a couple of months. I am not afraid of an intestinal overgrowth anymore. So, I will do the test without hesitation. I don't fear anymore.


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