Re: Read 'em and weep :( Re: Organic Debate
No problem. I completely understand.
I consider you (in all your forms of ID) one of the best posters on here so the "great uniquity" reference has a glimmer of admiration from me :-). I like to debate you because that's one of the best ways to learn, so unfortunately I've probably come across mean. Sorry if it hurt your feelings in any way. I'm really just after what is true and right. If I disagree with you, it doesn't mean you're wrong, it’s just I don't currently see the logic.
You are absolutely correct. There are many many health food stores and suppliers who are commercially driven on marketing hype, thus preying on the sick, and whose products are empty in regards to potency, yet pumped full of toxic substances under the disguise of sterility. In order to be commercial you unfortunately have to play the government game. MH calls this the mason gig, but quite honestly I'm not one for conspiracies. At least I haven't been convinced of such yet.
I also get where you're coming from and agree MH didn't do a good job answering the first time. In fact, quite often he gives vague answers for many things on this forum. Sometimes I think this is his way. Other times, I think he's rushing, and yet other times I think he's being deliberately vague, and probably for good reason.
I've dealt with him on personal level off curezone and he's a pretty sincere guy as well as very generous. He has quite a knack for finding good suppliers, has many connections, and as you know, quite the relationship with Amish growers. Many of his suppliers seem to be off the record, somewhat recluse, and pretty much “off line”. Probably how he and they like it.
Attention from Big Bro is avoided like the plague. To him, worrying about that govt approved organic stamp is a waste of his time, and I think part of why he answered you poorly is because he really doesn’t want to sell or prove to you anything. Sure, there's no way to know 100% if his stuff is perfectly pure, (even he probably can't) but I guess you just have to develop an instinct about people who are not mainstream, and choose to trust or not. Otherwise, who are we going to trust evaluating? The government?
I understand your concerns and they are very legitimate, but you can only do the best you can. Ultimately people need to become educated and become their own suppliers/growers if possible. MH probably won't sell to the public forever. He is a big proponent of people making and finding their own stuff, so if he were truly the profiteer scam artist some make him out to be, why would he encourage this so often? To be honest, MH isn't a very good business man so it always makes me laugh when some come here to accuse him of being the "profiting herbalist". For one there are at least 3 or 4 outfits who sell his stuff and make far more, and two, he does not utilize (perhaps by choice?) the many zealous ways to promote and sell.
Honestly, I really do believe he is just a family man who has a hobby, who works in factory, uses that hobby to fund itself, and maybe pick up some extra dough. Maybe I’m gullible? That’s always possible, but that’s just what my instincts are telling me now. I do the best I can and learn as I go.
So I hope you will continue to post and lurk. MH’s core beliefs are nothing original. They are one of simplicity – Diet, distilled water, parasite-free, and stone-free. Health and cures are within oneself, and herbs are only aids. I don’t know if you’ve read Dr Christopher’s Books or Dr Hay’s books, but if you have, you’d know 95% where MH and this board’s rhythm and philosophy comes from.
Best, PB