Re: Read 'em and weep :( Re: Organic Debate
Sigh. I'm just not doing this right at all :( I should have just "kept my fingers shut" until I learned and understood more about the 'personality' of this forum. I really do mean well.
The reason I have for posting on different forums/differt topics under different ID's is governed by a personal/health/family issue (an online nightmare), which has nothing at all to do with Curezone. So, I'd really appreciate it very much if you'd leave the userID/# references out of any thread/titles.
PBuddy, I saw the thread "Organic Debate", read a couple of posts, and thought maybe I could "jump in the thread", and offer a link that was something I knew a lot about (and a lot of people don't), and start up a good discussion. My "read 'em & weep" title was because everytime I read about how toxic and ineffective herbal products are, I "weep". I guess maybe that sounded kind of abrasive or accusatory.
I really do appreciate what you're saying about MH; to understand my response/attitude to the questions about organics and the sources of product, you'd have to know several long stories, but I'll shorten then all together real-quick-like (because I really want you/everybody to understand). In the last six months I've had 3 people come to me for advice with natural health issues (amongst others), and if you combine their issues, it turns out that their oh-so-friendly/trusted local naturopath/herbalist/healthfoodstore owner was "taking them" conglomerately for over $3500 per month, for not only product they didn't need at ALL, but also for product that was typical healthfood store crap. (This one gal was taking 4 horse-size "premium echinacea" capsules, twice a day...and she called me and had an obnoxious cold...and she was ready to "throw all this natural sh*t people keep preachin' right in the garbage!" :( The healthfood store owner had absolutely NO IDEA (or so he claimed when I spoke with him) that 75-90% of his products were most likely, toxic, ineffective, and potentially dangerous (especially to lil' uns).
Anyway, so, when MH seemed to be evading my questions, and indicated "organic" was a waste of money and I must fall into a 'certain uneducated whacky group' of naturlists, I decided to get the answers to the questions I was asking, no matter what. And since MH seemed to always "call 'em as he see's 'em"; I thought that I'd do the same. It's not MH's fault, or yours, or anybody elses that I've "had it up to HERE!" with teachers/owners/herbalists/naturopaths scamming people and risking their health AND belief in natural health and healing. And I apologize to those I may have offended for that. But jeez-loueez (shaking head and smiling), don'tcha think if the man would have just simply said something like..."I don't buy certified organics because I have plenty of local sources for everything I need, and those sources meet or exceed anything the government could ever certify; and/or - I can't grow all my own herbs, but what I do purchase, I purchase from the best/most pure sources I can find"??!!...the first time I asked the questions, that just maybe I wouldn't have been quite so demanding or accusatory toward his evasive answers? After all, I AM human, too.
This forum really does 'beat to it's own drum', and it's obvious I certainly haven't caught onto the rhythm yet. So, if you don't mind, I think I'll just hang/lurk around awhile, and not jump in unless I'm sure what I have to offer is something that adds something positive :) Again, my apologies to anyone I offended. I really did/do have good intentions, but I'm thinking I really did kinda mess up somehow.
Peace (I hope :) Let's get back to the business of helping sick/clueless people!