13 y
Terrifying Die-Off Thoughts
I have been seeing a very highly recommended and esteemed homeopath who is also a doctor, and she has given me a homeopathic remedy for candida. I have only been on it for a month (with two months to go), and the die-off symptoms have been amazing. I feel like it is really working because finally, all terrible symptoms I have encountered at some point in my life (childhood to now), keep coming and going.
The only problem? I am severely moody, angry, and have really disturbing messed up sexua| thoughts/desires and I am finding that my sense of control is very depleted.
They are the most irrational thoughts and are very frightening, and I result in tears because of how terrible they are. They are not me. But don't want to tell my homeopath about this new symptom, because it is embarassing.
The worst of the thoughts, consists of me constantly killing those I actually care about a great deal in real life, also raping things. I know this is terrible and I dont know why these thoughts are so vicious. It's a severe desire to destroy everything and rip it to shreads.
Has anyone ever encountered this? Do you think I should just tought it out until this ''die off reaction'' passes, or do you think it is something I should address.
Basically, is it a normal candida trait or no?
i am terrified and really wish I didn't feel like I had a demon in me.