Thanks for your advice. I guess I'm just at a point of being exhausted with the detox diet and antifungals. I've used them for years. I have
Gallstones and a clogged liver though, so I am trying to get this stuff out and think it may be the culprit behind why the stomach situation is bad, because honestly, my stomache has never been the worst symptom. It's been acne, skin rashes, and a feeling of being ''hung over''.
If what I'm doing with this homeopath doesn't work, I will look into chelation, since it's what everyone keeps telling me to do. I just don't have any real connections to heavy metals, unless my mother passed her hevay metals to me in the womb, despite the fact that they don't bother her.
I can say that I have already seen huge benefits in the sense of my annoying jock itch that I couldn't get rid of for years, flared up for two weeks and is now gone. I can eat whatever (I don't, but say I eat something that would aggravate it like I sneak a few corn chips- no reaction).
So, I think I am getting better. Honestly, two weeks ago, I was on cloud nine because of how much energy I had and how at peace wiht life I was. I felt healed completely. I could even stay out and party till three in the morning and still have energy the next day.
It seems more intense detoxing is now taking place. I too, use an infrared sauna to help a few times each week.
Thanks again for sharing. It's good to know that I'm not alone in the disturbing thoughts that can come with candida. I had no idea that candida was ever so intrusive. I think we have to be thankful we have discovered this while we're young, I know of many people who are on medication for depression, anxiety and other things, who I bet you would not need the medication should they address the root cause of their mental state-probably candida/some other imbalance. I can't judge, but I am thankful that I know what the culprit is at least.
Thanks for clarifying that its coming from my gut/not my head. My head has been experiencing really weird head aches and random pings of pain on the top center of it, and I have the super tight shoulders and neck (Can barely move my neck at all-this is an intense die off reaction, so its good but makes moving awkward!)
We'll see what happens in the weeks to come. Thanks again.
I am also very happy that you have found relief/better health!! I too am quite young still, and really hope to get things cleaned out intensely, so that I can get on with my life and help others with all of the energy and sparkle I used to/sometimes can still have.
Best of luck with the final five percent of your stretch, and thanks for your support.