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Re: Is Dr. Larry Wilson the best to treat with?
clearminded11 Views: 8,199
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Re: Is Dr. Larry Wilson the best to treat with?

I realize this is very late But I hope it helps someone in search of more information on Nutritional Balancing.

I have been a nutritional therapist for a few years and have been in constant search of more precise nutritional healing protocols. I was obsessed with mineral balance and finally found Dr. Larry Wilson's work - - - he has made it a priority to stay most inline with Dr. Paul Eck's work. IMO, nutritional balancing is the most well thought out + whole person encompassing healing process I know about today.

When Dr. Wilson first started studying under Dr. Eck - - - Dr. Wilson found Dr. Eck to be a little over the top with some of his suggestions too - - - however, over time he came to realize - although some things may sound extreme, Dr. Eck was right and Dr. Wilson learned that Eck had his reasons and they proved correct throughout the years.

Of course the orgasm thing sounds ridiculous at first but it is not Dr. Wilson or Eck that made this up. This is from very old Chinese Medicine Wisdom. sexua| fluids contain our vital life force - so when it is released - - one is giving away vital stored energy.

"Come on, we all know lots of different fruits are very good for you." That is absolutely not a true or validated statement. The recommendation behind the fruit is: too much sugar, glucose, sets of a glucose response, requires Sugar handling response, taxes adrenals - - not to mention hybrids and growing conditions. Most holistic nutritionists recommend only eating fruit that is in season in your local area. Many holistic nutritionists recommend only some fruits like seasonal berries because they are much lower in sugar. Dr. Wilson is also very concerned about the hybrids of fruits - which many fruits are today and they are not easily recognized by the body to process. Also raw fruit is very yin and unless you are cooking it you cannot cook off bacteria and whatnot. (just trying to explain some of the reasoning).

Dr. Wilson is very strict in his views & practices but he always has reasons to back it up. He has been doing nutritional balancing as a professional for 30 years PLUS he has been LIVING the lifestyle and protocol the whole time. He is a special person and very generous with his knowledge.

Just because some practitioners recommend certain things and Wilson does not - - - does not make Wilson's recommendation invalid. For instance pork is taboo food in many cultures. Pigs are considered dirty animals by their nature and do tend to get parasites because of this nature. Again - - Dr. Wilson is not the first to suggest pork is not the best quality protein for regular consumption - I think it's even in the bible. In today's market, unless a person knows the farmer that raised the pigs - - one has no idea what this animal has been eating. Whatever protein we eat - - we eat what they ate too! Commercial Pork is sketchy at best.

Many Chinese Herbs are now very contaminated with heavy metals. Where are they grown? How are they stored? Have you been to some REAL Chinese Pharmacies? The shipping, handling & storage I've seen is not exactly sanitary. Over 100's of years these plants and soils do not have the potency to provide as they once did and now they tend to be more contaminated than medicinal - IN MANY CASES, probably not 100%.

There are many considerations to take into account aside from - - - well, she's doing it and he's doing it - so it must be OK. What I do find with Dr. Wilson is - - - he has specific reasons to back up all of his recommendations.

There are aspects of Atkins' work that are a great contribution to nutrition Science - HOWEVER, the abundant allowances on that diet and the way individuals have interrupted it and put it to use is NOT HEALTHY. Any healthcare provider who recommends The Atkins Diet without qualifiers is irresponsible IMO.

I have adrenal exhaustion & started in 4 LOWS. I tried to help my adrenals for 2 years on my own but it didn't happen. I have been on a nutritional balancing protocol for 6 weeks. I LOVE IT. I want everyone to do it. I have good days and some tired days but overall my life is moving in a far better direction. I feel differently. My personality is more pleasant and my sleep is improving - - getting to bed earlier has been hard. I started to notice a difference after 2 weeks - - subtle but miraculous energy changes. But there is a personal spin on it that I am really enjoying and I've only just begun.

I am an advanced student of nutritional balancing & offer personalized nutritional balancing protocols. I want to help as many people as possible regain full vital health. Every client of mine is also essentially working with Dr. Wilson because I get all my directions and supervision from him and I am also fortunate to be mentored by another amazing practitioner in this science.

Hope this explains the reasoning behind the madness!


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