Re: Yellow toungue bloodshot eyes
I'm not sure what you mean by "bite marks" but am wondering if you are only now noticing them, if maybe they were there all the time. In Dr. Chi's book Tongue and Fingernail Analysis he mentioned bite marks and what they mean - though I don't remember right off hand. Good book to get. The book showed me I had liver problems though I had no indication of that. But with subsequent
Liver Cleanses I got rid of about 2000 stones.
Blood shot eyes may well be from die off. Mayber yellow tongue too. Again, are you sure you didn't have that before hand? I would brush my tongue as well as my teeth (good to do anyway) to help clear it up and use Listerine afterwards, personally.
I would not do a liver cleanse until you have killed
parasites for at lezst a month intensively. They can make you feel awful otherwise, but once the bugs are gone they have no side effects. This happened to me and quite a few others.
I hope you are going to be using a zapper after all die off is gone from the herbiciders. This will also cause a period of die off, but they get bugs in the blood stream.