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Re: Seeing stones
Michael B Views: 1,509
Published: 13 y
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Re: Seeing stones

Sorry I'm not buying it. Once again- please don't think any of this is personal criticism- I am just seeing right through what you are telling me.

You have said that you tried "literally tried every natural approach". I don't' buy it- because if you HAD then you would be healed. This is what you wrote 13 months ago about garlic:

"im trying the raw garlic method but how can you stand eating it in large doses? do you crush it and put it in something? i have 2 organic cloves of garlic and the past couple days ive eaten less than half a clove.

if anyone has taken raw garlic successfully id like you to weigh in and let me know your method"

Less than half a clove will not cut it. Try eating 20 cloves a day and see what you pass in your stool. Here is a tasty way to eat it: buy a garlic crusher and mix it with imported butter. Then spread it on some organic bread. Yummy. I eat it just cause it is so delicious. Alternately- eat it with pasta. Or make some pesto and load it up with garlic. You get the point- just eat a lot of raw garlic.

You say that you eat "a lot" but how do you know how many calories a day you are actually getting? If you have ever calorie counted you will be SURPRISED to find that you are eating a lot less than the daily recommend amount. You are probably eating less than 1200 calories a day. Once again- even if you have parasites, you should not be skin and bones. If you have been doing low carb candida dieting for these past few years, read my previous posts about the ideal way to cycle through these in combination with liver flushing. Because if you are NOT getting out fungal colonies from the carb cutting- you are wasting your time and weakening your body while strengthening the candida's resistance.



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