MH has staed that the MC is too harsh for some folks & could flood the body w/ to many toxins to quick for some to handle. I started w/ the MC a couple of years ago before I found MH & the OJ method. I did the OJ fast & it is easier on the body. You can read all about the OJ fast at the top of the forum page - click on I will say it is my experience that MCing isn't for everyone, my mom certainly couldn't handle it - too much poison stored in her body. Of course she wouldn't do the salt flush either. While doing the oj fast I would drink a quart of the lemonade each night while taking a hot bath, I like to drink it warm & the cayenne helps to make one sweat. I just listen to my body & adjust accordingly w/ each fast I am doing. Once a couple years back I did the swf & the stuff didn't make it's way back out for 3 days, you talk about feeling bloated - I was scared then to do it again. I prefer the OJ fast along w/ lots of herbal aides, it works beautifully. My 56 year old mom did 14 days w/ me starting the 1-1 & she has a frozen hip, takes a truck load of pharmaceuticals & can barely walk by the end of the fast she was walking like a normal person, didn't have to use a wheel chair to go shopping. Now she's limping around again. Sad - but she's her own worst enemy but I will say this - she's learning & eating better so she's better than most older persons & willing to change be it ever so slowly. She will openly admit it is her own fault & now she's watching Dr. Mom w/ me. So... thats probably more info than you wanted but hey - it's an accomplishment so maybe it may help someone :)