Re: 141490..Re: I want to fast but I'm scared...
Hi Chris!
Thank you for sharing! Now, based on all information,
I am inclined to think that 20 day fast could be a good aim for me, given 115
pounds on a small frame of 5 f 6 in. If BP and HR are not too low, maybe more, like 30-ish days. I would be more confident, if I had my electrolytes measured once in a while, but I do not feel it is good idea to see my GP while
looking extremely thin, it may be a difficult encounter, passive - aggressive, non disclosure - type. Lol.
I love Bragg's books! They opened my eyes for the importance of simple things like raw food, sun, walking bare feet, reversibility of joint conditions. I will look up the rest of the authors you mentioned.
Always a pleasure to read you thoughts. The more the better, we like volume :)