the media is largely controlled by Corporate Industry, so it should come as no surprise that they publish stories which scaremonger. This can be said of the use of Vitamins and Minerals and any other alternative therapy that does not conform to the current medical paradigm of the profit motive.
Fasting is no more dangerous than eating, and how many of us do that? The real danger however is with obesity and over-feeding.................
"we may be certain that if we had some means of recording the experiences of a thousand individuals for a period of twenty years or more, while fasting and while eating, more deaths would occur among those taking three meals a day than among those who fast while sick".
"In thousands of fasts ranging from a few days to sixty and even ninety days, no deaths have occurred that could be attributed to the fast. In every case, where an autopsy has been made, this has revealed an organic "disease" which would have resulted in death, with or without food. Dr. Dewey properly maintained, that if one's vitality is so nearly exhausted, or if a vital organ is so badly damaged, that death is near at hand, the result is absolutely certain, eating or fasting. Most people turn to fasting as a last resort, instead of the first resort. They turn to it after their bodies have been wrecked and ruined by years of wrong living, drugging and surgical operations. Under such circumstances we naturally expect that an occasional patient will die even while fasting. Honesty and fairness will not attribute death, under these conditions, to the fast".
"We should bear in mind that of the thousands of patients treated in the regular way and regularly fed "plenty of good nourishing food," a large percentage die. How absurd, then, to blame fasting for the exceedingly small number of cases that have died while fasting when, too late, they turned to this method of healing".
"Dr. S. Lief, of England, says in the June 1929 issue of Health For All: "During eighteen years' experience in the treatment of thousands of cases, we have not known a single case where death took place as a result of fasting."
The greatest obstacle to fasting and fasting successfully, is the FEAR of fasting. Upton Sinclair stated: "It is perfectly true that men have died of starvation in three or four days; but the starvation existed in their minds--it was fright that killed them".
Your mindset can kill you on a fast, and for those who are fearful of undertaking one then they should not do so.
So 141490, fasting is one of the safest health measures in existence, and has been widely used in Nature from time immemorial, so have no FEAR of the fast and you will only receive a profound benefit from doing so.
Personally, I have had two prolonged water-only-fasts of 25 days and 30 days in overcoming Advanced-stage Leukemia, and I am still here in the very best of health.
Please read this chapter very carefully to allay any fears you may have............