Your doctor will probably pooh pooh any concerns about parasites and/or think you are nuts and/or give you lab tests which are usually worthless. You can always give it a try though.
Babies will not get parasites while in the womb that I know of. In fact their intestines are sterile at brith. They can easily pick up eggs from just about anywhere though and yes, babies can have parasites.
I would contact Humaworm and just check out in general on the web about how to gently treat your baby. Or, if it seems healthy at present, maybe wait til he or she is older. In the meantime you can be giving probiotics - things like live cultures in yogurt & kefir to help build up the colon's good bacteria. They won't kill parasites, but they make the baby healthier in general to fight off problems - including even, according to recent research, some mental problems.