Re: The Dark Side of The Alternative Health Movement: Promoting Ingested Iodine
I understand your emotions and expected such a response, you need to vent. People do jump all over you, but... they know that they can get a hasty and angry response. Somehow, pissing someone else off gets some people off, some kind of complex that many people share. Perhaps an inferiority complex.
Yes, I can think of one poster in particular where this is especially true. If you watch his posting history he clearly looks to stir up conflict primarily posting personal attacks and rarely posting anything of useful substance. But more importantly I have watched him bait people and try to pit posters against each other multiple times so he can start wars then sit back and enjoy the drama he has created.
Unfortunately, I'm well aware of the drama. What a distraction when searching for clean debate about protocols, supplements, beliefs, evidence...
Many people on curezone are at one point sick, and that may be a subconscious inferiority to those that are not sick - or appeart to not be sick/ill/diseased. When looking for answers and discovering them personally, it offends the inferiority complex when others go against the found answers. Thus, regardless of right or wrong, any answers that you provide or others provide that conflict - the inferiority complex rears its head like madness. The often need to prove oneself, one's way, and defend against other's supposed ignorance plays in to the inferiority complex.
To an extent I agree. But I also feel that "support" as in "support forums" includes letting people know of potential dangers so they can be more careful about the procedure they are doing and beware of what the symptoms are in case there is an adverse reaction. Let's take for instance the so-called "liver flushing". We all know that I think it is bogus and I have posted a ton of evidence proving this. Yet I was banned from the Liver Flush Support forum not for saying that it was quackery, but rather because I pointed out that drinking a large amount of oil can cause strong contractions of the gallbladder potentially causing a stone to lodge in the bile ducts if stones are present. Apparently the people who run the forum don't think safety is part of support. The same with the iodine forum. You are not allowed to say anything about the potential side effects of iodine. You can recommend amounts all day long that can mess up the thyroid of even a healthy person and possibly cause iodine toxicity, and that will definitely cause problems for someone with something like Hashimoto's. But you definitely are not allowed to post any evidence to this possible toxicity. And it is not just on the iodine boards. Look what happened when I posted the article about iodine causing acne in some sensitive individuals on my forum! The iodine supporters went completely nuts!!! Of course they also came up with some BS excuse trying to claim the acne was from pushing bromine out of the system which was proven false. Point is though that support should still include allowing people to know of potential dangers instead of the skewed one sided view that something is completely safe. All this does is makes it sound like a sales site, but with a lot less credibility.
I understand your frustration with claims of some modality working according to testimonials, while most evidence states otherwise or there's potentially something else at work. Point is that we should be allowed to say almost whatever we want and expect resistance from individuals or groups that don't share similar beliefs. The forum system is flawed when people change the topics to attacks and the original message gets lost. Granted, many of the warnings against modalities tend to be perceived as attacks against the established efficacy for a majority of posters, but it is that perception of attack that gets most of the drama started. Tact is a difficult skill to acquire, and I've been banned from at least one forum where I also questioned a modality, but they neither practiced, nor believed, tact as a useful skill of discourse. If you have contrary evidence backing up claims that people meme (meme hard), it affects the majority in a negative way. As you know, change is very difficult and change against the flow is even harder.
Most people refuse to acknowledge that they have flaws in their logic, evidence, beliefs, systems, conceptions, views, etc... Rather than understand one another, we waste time by bickering about conflicting information, evidence, and, worst of all, ad hominem.
As has been stated previously they treat it like a religion. In this case iodine is their God. You cannot speak out against their God or they will go jihad on your ass!!!
My question to curezone is - WTF happened to curing in this zone?
Yes, I 100% agree. If you have been following posting in general lately I would say that at least 70% of the posting here in Curezone has nothing to do with health. Instead it is about politics, religion, the police beating someone up, etc. And when it is is about health most of that is bickering over the procedure or product because you are only allowed to say what the moderators believe in or you are banned even if you can provide the proof. This also reduces the credibility of the site considerably.
The trend toward non-health discussions stems from feelings of betrayal by researchers of producing contrary to reality evidence regarding health. Most evidence is for the latest drug push and/or destruction of alternatives that go against profits. The system is setup to serve a select crowd while neglecting or suppressing, many times not publishing, alternatives to health. Also, non-health discussions dip into the world that's suppressed by mainstream, it loosely relates to suppressed alternative health. I would rather discuss health openly with you and the rest of curezone users without fear of being attacked, slurred, and suppressed, instead of having this discussion about the ongoing resistance and breakdown in communication between us all.
It can also help explain why Curezone's activity has dropped like a rock. People would come here thinking they are going to get information on health based on the name but instead are faced with posts mainly on politics and religion. If you want information on how to make a great cheesecake you don't go to a dental site. And when people do manage to actually find something health related on Curezone the information is often presented in a totally one sided view just like a car sales person trying to sell you a piece of junk by claiming it is a classic. Of course they don't want you to research and find out the thing is a piece of junk so they really lay it on so you end up believing whatever load of crap they are giving you.
It is such shame because Curezone has such potential but just in the last few years alone I have watched it go so far downhill because problems never get addressed here when they are brought up. Again, it has become the wild, wild west of information where anything goes.
I think it's time to step back and review alternatives to the current behavior that everyone's become used to and expects. A collaborative effort to introduce alternative views with pros and cons needs to exist and we could potentially create it. I've got some ideas on a way to compile the constant disparity of curezone into a contained form that's searchable in multiple ways, but I haven't developed a plan to implement it. It can essentially be an SQL database with information that PHP can dynamically display online that includes all research, anecdotes, studies, etc... unfiltered by the bias factor embedded in a strict policy of openness/transparency. Anywho, it could be useful in conjunction with curezone that allows multiple levels of credibility to be portrayed in a non-self-destructive manner, instead of a heated forum debate of us versus them. Thoughts, ideas, comments, all are welcome.
What I propose is a novel idea that does not exist as far as I know, except in static organizational ways on many other sites that are not very dynamic, except in the simplest sense like a search box and perhaps some advanced search settings. Going back to a prior conversation about turmeric, a dynamic site could produce the latest contextual information about curcumin, curcuminoids, resveratrol, quercetin, inflammation, bioavailability, and other important topics. Although that example does not illustrate the full extent of the ideas, I'd like some feedback on the idea itself. If it's been done and implemented well, let me know.