Thanks for your reply. I went 20 hours and I ended up eating. I wish I hadn't, don't feel so good right now. I am not sure if I ever will be able to do this. I have 2 kids to take care of and a to cope with lack or energy and being sick? I hope I don't pass out or anything I have read and watched videos of women with kids who have done this for 10-40 days..How?? I wanna do that too. I feel like such a failure :(
Yes, I do have one of the best juicers out there Omega slow masticating juicer..which helps to retain most of the enzymes. I tried juicing for a a few days..I wasn't sick, but very very bloated and constipated. But I guess I do do water and a bit of juice here and there to get thorough and see what happens.