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Re: Can calcium be taken with hypoglycemia, if magnesium is taken too?
JimboDude Views: 2,501
Published: 13 y
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Re: Can calcium be taken with hypoglycemia, if magnesium is taken too?


Thank you for your informative reply.

I believe that my hypoglycemia is due to insulin resistance. I had a blood glucose fasting test a few months ago which actually came back normal, but the thing is I had already switched to a diet made up of largely protein/fat because the problem had become quite extreme (e.g. feeling as if I was going to pass out). I'm considering eating quite a few carbs for a few days again and then re-testing, though I'm not really sure how beneficial this would be, given that medication to lower insulin release rarely seems to be handed out.

An allergy test showed no positives, though my reactions seem to suggest intolerance, or more likely plain IBS. It is the probable IBS combined with the blood Sugar issues that makes it really tricky to lead a normal life at the moment.

My blood Sugar problems started after coming off testosterone replacment therapy, which was a complete nightmare and produced an abundance of other horrible symptoms with it, some whilst on the medication (e.g. depersonalization) and others after quitting (e.g. adrenaline rushes from minor stimulants).

My thyroid has been checked and is fine. Intuitively, I would say that the failed TRT (which is hard on the adrenals) has put me into flight/fight mode and my disposition towards anxiety has led to IBS and insulin issues.

Also, for some very strange reason, I now react terribly to almost any supplement, e.g. a multi-vitamin with nothing more than my RDA of vitamins can cause incredibly anxiety/DP that can last for weeks. I haven't found many others with this problem.

Thanks again, I appreciate your reply.



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