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Re: Adrenal and thyroid?
littleiodine Views: 1,317
Published: 13 y
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Re: Adrenal and thyroid?

well, i better continue...

i've been thinking about the two functions, adrenal and thyroid, and how hard it's to distinguish what's really doing what!

so many times i've thought, thyroid is "energy", but now i'm actually rethinking. well, yes, thyroid is energy, but maybe not the kind we think and often expect...

This video with someone called Janet Lang, she talks about the endocrine system, regeneration etc. And, she says that adrenal is like a car functioning in gear, and that the thyroid is like the neutral state. I find this so intresing, because the more i'm thinking of it that way, i really do feel, thyroid health is "rest" really, to strenghtening your thyroid is to strenghen your restore function, your regenerative state. What do you guys think?



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