What herbs or supplements would you recommend to gain weight?
Gaining weight can actually be harder than losing weight. Best thing would be more good fat sources such as nuts (not peanuts, which are a legume), avocados, bananas, etc. Fats are very high calorie. Some Brazil nuts each day would especially be good due to the selenium, which helps with cancer.
If it is by some chance cachexia then omega 3 fatty acids, especially fish oil, can help with cachexia. If legal in the state she lives marijuana is also very effective.
Thanks for these suggestions!
It has been found that inflammatory compounds play a role in cachexia as well. Therefore, anti-inflammatory compounds can beneficial. The main ones I recommend focusing on are yucca root, licorice root, chaparral and turmeric. All of these have other anti-cancer activity as well. Such as sterol binding of cholesterol in cancer cell membranes by yucca root. Interferon enhancing and antiviral properties of licorice root. Chaparral also supports immunity, destroys viruses and inhibits mitosis of cancer cells. Turmeric has a number of anti-cancer properties.
The boswellia also has very strong anti-inflammatory and antiviral properties.
As far as the rest of the formula there are a few things you may want to add such as suma and maybe a mitosis inhibitor such as chaparral or black walnut hulls.
Aren't we adding too many herbs to the formulation now? My concern is, the more herbs we add, the less of each herb will be taken. For example, let's say you were taking indivdually 1/2 tsp turmeric, 1/2 tsp chaparral, and 1/2 tsp nettle root. If you make a mixture of turmeric, chaparral, and nettle root and take 1/2 tsp of the mixture, then you'll be effectively taking only 1/6 tsp of each herb. So I'm confused about formulations. What's the principle behind making formulations? How do you make formualtions that are still effective despite there being less of each herb in the mixture?