Re: Another case of why Blastocystis is NOT PATHOGENIC, but somethign else always the problem...
HI Brian,
the link is inactive.
I did the genova's comprehensive stool test and it did not show giardia or any other parasite. It did show yeast (1+), not candida though, but another type of yeast. I'd tell you the name but i don't have the results with me. It also showed significant amount of klepsiella (4+) and low acidophilus. Sorry if I am speelling all this names wrong.
Anways, since I am kind of nervious about takign drugs that are bad for my liver (which I am willing to, if there is a high chance of success with them), my Dr. prescribed nystatin. I got the powder through a compounding pharmacy, and took 500.000 unit 3xday for 30 days. But I did not experience any improvement at all. I want to do the
parasite drugs again ( mi first round was in december albendazol 650mg x 3day + iodiquinol 500mg x 2day + bactrim, all these for 30 days) and since I can get most of the meds in the powder form from a compoundig pharmacy through my insurance I 'd like to, for the meds you are suggesting, bring a dose to my Dr so she can prescribe them for me. Can you please suggest a dose for Metronidazole and Quinacrine that you thing might work?
I have read so many bad things about metronidazole though. In most articles the cure rate was very low and there was high rates of resistance. What do you think of tinidazole instead? I'd like to get all this meds in the powder form without the chemical additives/colorants and excepients. I don;t want to be takign any of those, only the pure active ingredient. I have also read that all these extra ingredients decrease drug effectivity. Can you tell me, how much do you normally pay to get them? I have to pay a copayment of $50 for each of these meds in the powder form.
Thanks you so much for replying and helping,