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Question for all following this forum
elan164 Views: 2,069
Published: 13 y

Question for all following this forum

Ok, i have a question for all rife members. Who else is able to dowse like Newport? Im not talking about muscle testing. Im talking about accessing information beyond your electrical field.

Ive been reading through a lot of odd posts today, wow have i forgotten a lot haha. But upon doing so, i came across many dowsing questions and how certain answers are only available to those that can dowse. I seem to always come across these same messages in the last two years. I end up where i am right now, eager to learn this tool but obviously my focus has always been led astray, as here i am again today :). I am determined to figure this out.

Here's one of the many quotes from Newport on this topic,


">>One person stated that channeling is a form of mind control,

Perhaps the diff between muscle testing and dowsing. To muscle test you need to do very little just learn to measure your own body's electrical signature to certain things..dowsing, or receiving info beyond your electrical field requires your brain to enter a different state..

It is that state that is disallowed or disabled by the many attacks on us."

So if testing for yes/no answers is done by either having another person test your muscle strength or simply using the solo finger method, then what is the procedure to dowse outside of your own electrical field? Is it a form of meditation so to speak?


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