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Re: can we mix it with lemon or AVC or water? is it good for detoxifying and CFS?
carojilie Views: 2,241
Published: 13 y
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Re: can we mix it with lemon or AVC or water? is it good for detoxifying and CFS?

thank you both!

well I wouldn't use plastic either personally and if I dont want it to cool down maybe I can warm the mug or put some boiling water in it for it to be warm a bit longer?

As for pain, I dont have any pain, my main symptoms are:
fatigue, dizziness (like on a boat, strange feeling in the head), pressure on the GB area and hard colon to the touch so definitely problems in digestion. but I have no pain in muscles or anything.

I do have loadsa moles and tiny dark flat dots everywhere that I'd like to reduce, I've now just noticed also tiny white dots (depigmentation) pfff so I rub it with my urine every day hoping my skin will get more even.

My main purpose is to feel better, have more energy, feel stable inside.

This morning I just put a drop under my tongue. I'll drink it later on as the taste is less strong.

I drink a lot of water as it goes, at least 1.5liter a day+ herbal teas. I don't drink sodas or coffee at all. I do drink fresh veggies every day though made with all sorts (beet, carrot, celery, spinach, fennel, ginger, lemon, watercress)

The only supplements I take are omega 3 and milk thistle. I occasionally add a mineral mix.

I was a bit scared because a friend of mine told me her aunt got sick doing UT and had to stop, she developped fungus in her intestines because of it. Her homeopath had advised UT to her but then she had to stop. It seems that it's not recommended to everyone.. So I'll start slowly, what's the dosage I should take for starters?

Also I've always had high uric acid in my blood, and creatinine as well, would UT help lower these?



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