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Re: Any success stories out there???

Lugol’s Iodine Free S&H
J.Crow’s® Lugol’s Iodine Solution. Restore lost reserves.

Original Hulda Clark
Hulda Clark Cleanses

leakygut Views: 3,257
Published: 13 y
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Re: Any success stories out there???

After a year of trying everything and nothing working I have made incredible progress in the last 6 months, I'm not cured but I can eat many foods where I couldn't previously - whole wheat, potatoes, carrots, mayonnaise, cereal, vodka, ketchup are all back on the menu with no brain fog and fine digestion whereas 6 months ago Id need a nap immediately afterwards and couldn't hold a coherent conversation for a half hour after eating and would have massive diarrhea the next morning.

CHELATION. Dmsa and then Dmsa with ALA is what did the trick, I was tested before hand and had lead off the charts and high mercury as well. In addition to taking vitamins, especially a lot of vitamin C, I only take four supplements these days, a welcome relief from when I was paying $100 a week throwing everything but the kitchen sink at my body trying to help and ultimately doing nothing.

-I take 6 Dr. Ohirras a day, 2 3 pill servings. I was taking 10 a day previously.
-I take DMSA 50 mg every three hours for three days on.
-I take 25 mg of ALA every three hours with DMSA for three days on.
-I take proboost in the morning when I wake up and then again before I go to sleep. This is one of my favorite products and why I think I had no horrible reaction to the DMSA when many Candida suffers do, Proboost boosts your white blood cells and boosts your immune system, I'll take addition packets if Im coming down with a cold or if I'm going out on the town, it really is magic.

OCCASIONALLY (If I'm traveling I don't take any of these):
-Nystatin, a great product that helped alot when I was at my worst and I'm still a big supporter of it, when I was really bad before I started chelation I would even snort it to get relief from brain fog. I try to take it in the morning and at night still now since I figure it cant hurt and since its cheap and covered by insurance but I don't feel its a necessity like it once was.
-Pantethine Complex, a great product that immediately evaporates brain fog, it also boost the thyroid. I was taking this hourly when I was at my worst, these days I rarely take it.
-SF722, this product would evaporate the brain fog and is supposed to be antifungal, I still take it sometimes when I eat fruit which is the one food that still occasionally gives me slight brain fog.
-Intesinew, a glutamine product with additional ingredients good for lining of stomach. I take when I remember to, I need to remember to take it more often.
-Primal Defense, I have a couple bottles in my fridge, I take whenever Im home and remember to, its a very good probiotic, only second to Dr.Ohirras, Dr. Orhirras is so good though I don't need to take this and only take it occasionally because I feel it cant hurt put even more good bacteria in my system.

Moral of the story - get tested for Metals.



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