Yep! Here's some reading for you.
Hiya! I have good news for you on the headache front (and a bit on the weight side) -
To start the process of healing up your headaches, I reccommend dropping the diet sodas, my friend. Here's the info on it at length '
Aspartame the silent killer'
.. But of course I'll try to sum it up at length for you. Apartame is a sweetner in the cholrine family, developed in the 1960s when chemists were experimenting with the different uses for chlorine biproducts. They discovered by accident that it had a sweetness factor. It's been brought up several times by research doctors for banning by the FDA, but sadly it has been kept in production because of financial influence by various food manufacturers, Coca Cola being one of the main ones.
Basically, the aspartame breaks down into two bi-products in the body that are neurotoxins. One of the biproducts is glutamate- a neurotransmitter that is present naturally in the body.. but ends up in your system in extremely high amounts when you take in aspartame (nutrasweet and a few other names). This basically overexcites nerves, and it tends to get into the brain a bit too easily, because it crosses the blood-brain barrier very easily.
Secondly, it also breaks down into a biproduct in the body that is chemically similar to formaldahyde, a formula used for preserving specimens for scientific study in jars. It's quite poisonous, and I'm sorry to say, attacks the nerves too.
---Artificial sweetners and weight gain---
There's a separate side to aspartame- it excites the intestines to form fat cells. The intestines, surprisingly, have the ability to 'taste' the material passing through them- similar to the taste receptors on your tongue. The simple rule is, that if it tastes sweet to your tongue, it will taste sweet to your gut, and it'll send the signals to form fat.
In reguards to your migranes, this issue with aspartame can also give you pretty bad headaches. Aspartame cheats the gut by promising sugar it can't deliver- your body is cheated into producing insulin because of the taste of sweet, but when there is no sugar calories for the insulin to use, your bloodsugars plummet. When this happens, you'll get a bad headache that likely lasts at least one to two hours. This is because your brain uses over half of the calories you eat- it's the biggest muscle/food-consumer in your body. When there is more insulin than sugar in your body, your brain will suffer because of the bloodsugar crash. Trust me, it's not pleasant!
---What to do?---
I reccommend grabbing some stevia for when you you need sugary stuffs- it's the one artificial sweetner that's actually nutritious, and it's good and strong. Perfect for teas and cooking. I saw it on the store shelf just two days ago, but I live in Denmark, so it's a good question if anyone but the internet, healthfood stores and wholefoods will have it! Still worth it.
When you have a soda craving, get real soda, not the artificially sweetened crap. It's literally killing your head, so quite banging your head against a wall and buy a little of the real thing. My hubby and I agreed to limit our sugar days to saturdays, and it works. It's good to be realistic when making a lifestyle change.
Carbonated flavored sodawater.. Not perrier, it's nasty! Go for some of the grocery-store generic-brand sparkling water with lime, lemon, raspberry or cherry-flavor. After getting type 1 diabetes, I've learned to love it.
---And the aspartame?---
Real story, when I first got type 1 diabetes, my legs were numb in the skin for months because my high bloodsugar levels made nerve damage there. They got better within two weeks of getting insulin, but after two weeks on high-aspartame foods to try and make life easier as a diabetic, I lost sensation in the skin of my legs again. It was like they were anestetized with lidocane. Literally, it eats away at your nerves.
My husband also has an aspartame allergy - one glass of artifically-sweetened soda, and his throat swells up so that he can't breathe. He's been to the hospital for it two times.
If you read the articile above about Aspartame indepth, you'll learn that lots of people have symptoms of muscular dystrophy, etc.. and when they go off artificially-sweetened stuff, the symptoms go away.
The other side of the coin- proactively nuture your brain.
The three nutrients that are heavily overlooked for brain health are Vitamin D3, Magnesium, and B-complex vitamins. The combination of these three can help lift your depression - I use this combo:
5,000 iu/ 125 mcg vitamin D3
200 mg Magnesium citrate (avoid magnesium oxide! citrate is cheap, ask for it specifically for best absorbtion in the gut)
B-complex 100 (a high dose of b-vitamins, though you can go for a lower-strength version)
Keep in mind, I said help- not that it will do the job completely by itself. The brain itself in an adult male needs itself about 5,000 iu/vitamin D3/day to have healthy brain function. Here's a PDF explanation of vitamin D3's function in neurons that I made last year. The source of my information is from the vutamin D council.
Secondly, magnesium is an extremely important nutrient for your brain cells. It allows elements like the b-complex vitamins and omega fatty acids to enter the neuron cell, actung like a guard at a gate. The b-complex-vitamins and omega fatty acids are used to form the neurotransmitters and the protective cells that help your nerves to function well. Sadly, aspartame specifically attacks those protectve cells. You'll learn about them if you read the PDF I linked to above.
A warning about vitamin D - DO NOT take above 4,000 IU/day without the extra magnesium. DO NOT take it with calcium supplements. Plain and simple. Personally I feel that no Bitamin D3 supplement should be sold without magnesium already in the product.
---Further Hypothyroid support---
The major elements that help the thyroid to function normally are cited here on this site, but the one I've seen focused on quite specifically is Iodine. It's a precursor to creating and maintaining thyroid steroid hormones and used in the parathyroid, and often cases of hypothyroid are linked to deficiencies in the nutrients the body needs for creating those hormones. I've been considering this product for myself: 'NOW Foods Thyroid Energy' since I am also Hypothyroid.. It has plenty of Iodine in it, as well as b12 (cyanocobalamin). If you go after that product, you can probably drop a b-complex vitamin and go for the vitamin D3 and magnesium together with the thyroid-energy supplement. I reccommend reading the product page, to get an idea of what is needed for the thyroid to work normally.
--The last straw--
Did you get any dental work done before you went hypothyroid? If you got any silver amalgam fillings done, you might hit your head against the wall again. The leakage of mercury and heavy metals such as copper from the fillings directly irritate the paratthyroid hormone, because it has to produce a lot of the elements to help clear the body of the metals/toxins. This ends up depleting your mineral and nutrient reserves, and helps lead to secondary issues- of which the list is really long. If that's the case, seriously consider saving up for changing out the fillings for plastic composite, and seek a dentist who uses extra precautions like a dental dam and powerful cieling-mounted suction. The last thing you'll want is to inhale mercury vapors, they would make you sicker.
--The good news--
You're probably going to see quite a few health impovements in the next month or two if you get on the horse and act! I've been avoiding the aspartame for years, but I only learned the details on Vit D and magnesium last year.
Information is power, I pray you find your way forewards with wisdom and patience. God bless you, and do write back on this thread after you have some progress. I'd love to hear if anything helps.. or help out if some issues arise. <3
BTW - review the supplements/print out the ingredient lists for your doc/nurse to review with you. As the 'thyroid energy' product states, it WILL effect how your prescription meds work, and you want a balanced transition between products. You need to jounnal and observe your results rationally. I know the mood swings and all aren't easy, but God is far from unwilling to see you forewards! I'm 30 going on 31 myself, and healing is a walk with Him, right from top to bottom. You can share everything with him in prayer, and remember our Dad and creator has a wild sense of humor and love.
... My post is likely -not- the final word on the information you need for weeding out in particular what has caused your case of Hypothyroid, but you are on the right track- hypothyroid and many ailments are nutritionally/dietary related. Do keep reading and learning. :)