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Re: just went vegan/mostly greens and Im starving all the time - help!
Anthony87 Views: 3,216
Published: 13 y
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Re: just went vegan/mostly greens and Im starving all the time - help!

Thanks for posting this. We are all dealing with this as we figured out living off leafy green-rexia cures us...until we need real food.

Living off greens is very calorically restricted and is a good short term cleanse. With my addbacks, I pay super close attention to the acid alkaline chart. Almonds have plenty of calories. My fat elimination recommendation is erroneous. I can have almonds without rashes coming back and I did a 1 cup of olive oil for a liver cleanse. So maybe cooking some kale or greens in olive oil will get more calories to you and freshwater fish are the lowest acid producers. I like cauliflower and had lentils and hommus with no nasty gassy symptoms. So my advice is to try adding back the least acidic proteins and the least sugary starches. I had grapefruits just fine for a couple weeks, but I got a Sugar high and anxiety from beet juice(liver cleanse). I won't do that one again. I noticed on day 1 of vegan my bananas came through completely undigested, and now this problem is nearly gone. My first animal product addback would be salmon, and I would compensate with a disgusting amount of greens.

Fat elimination was a great idea to scratch out all of the rich meats that are recommended on the candida diet. I got amazing relief. Cashews made me very ill as well as the mixed nuts. The worst thing for my candida was salami. I will have to say now that it is the acid/alkaline chart. I followed the morritz olive oil liver cleanse and it looks like olive oil would help digestion by promoting gastric juices. I regret saying it was the fat in the meat that caused candida. It is the acid-forming nature because, alkaline fats people seem to do fine with and my experiments say the same thing. It just so happened that the nasty fatty foods were the worst acidifiers.

I am more afraid of acidosis than Sugar with my addbacks. On a high protein diet, all starches and beans went rancid, it was hell. I would be careful with fruits as they don't do much for bodybuilding and bananas seem to be the worst one to have. I wouldn't recommend a crazy amount of fats in almonds or olive oil, but they can bring your caloric total higher. This turns into sort of a colitis type diet as I ask things like, how many almonds should I have for easy digestion, and what time of day should I eat which food to make sure I have proper breakdown...


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