Ive got an autoimmune disease similar to lupus and am trying to heal by killing the candida as I had leaky gut a year ago and know the candex really helps. Im on the powdered nystatin as well and on the regimen created by Dr Truss as I live in Bham and have a dr there that studied under him. ( A friend was cured of her lupus by using Dr Truss when he was alive). I went vegan a week ago and have been juicing for a long time,have cut the carbs but Im starving. Ive always had hunger but this is intense. Anthony, you said you stopped the hunger - how long did it take? My pains since going vegan have subsided but hard to know while Im on the plaquenil (can't get off just yet). I agree with the no fat/greens protocol wholeheartedly as Ive been good with diet all along but continuing to eat fatty meats/nuts etc. and have had no progress till now. Another friend cured her alopecia with a greens powder/fiber/juice/enzymes but I hate the taste of her powder so I know this protocol works! So glad to hear you pushing it. How much carbs to take in? I love vodka too and that is quite painful to take out. My dr here says its ok but didn't have progress until I went vegan - may still be ok? Im an athlete (114 lbs) and don't want to lose any more weight!! thanks B