Thanks for the info. Looking into tossing my glasses too, or at least improving my vision. I've used cayenne in nasal sprays and wow- the burn! Just how bad does this burn the eyeball? How long does the burn last? I'll admit to being chicken. I love spicy food and am down to try most any alternative remedy I come across, but cayenne in my eyeball, hmmm. Has anyone around here actually tried this and had real success with it? When I've chopped up peppers and then take my contacts out I've come unglued and cried copious amounts of tears over it then and then again the next day when I try to put my contacts back in and there be a lil residue left on them. I've tossed many a contact over chopping peppers cuz the residue just stays and stays- burns and keeps burning. lol. Will the benefit really out weigh it? How often and how many times would one need to continue this?