12 y
4 weeks on 50 mg/d
Ok, some of you already know me. I'm now on 50 mg iodine taken as lugols solution and I take selenium 400 mcg, magnesiummalate 1000 mg, 3 gr vitamin c und sea salt 3 times a day.
When I'm drinking plenty of water my urine becomes colourless but as soon as I disolve a tablespoon of seasalt the next urine is green/brown and very cloudy and stinky. I guess this is the bromide coming out ?
I've dealt so far with some very moody and depressed days, acne flare up on the whole body, rashes on the forehead, sometimes extreme irritability and anxiety.
I'm still a bit frightening about iodine. I'm from germany and here is another dimension of iodophobia going on. I learned from childhood on that iodine is a poisen and should be avoided like hell. Can you encourage me that I really need the iodine to get rid of the bromide from 10 years usage of atrovant ?
The detox is heavy and when depression sets in doubts arises, too. I need someone who can encourage me und tell me that this is the right way, you know ?