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Re: Regarding Re-infection

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Published: 13 y
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Re: Regarding Re-infection

With regards to the North and South Poles of magnets and therefore usage of zappicators, check out this webpage...

Magnetization and our Water
Dr. Clark described water as having a magnetic polarity associated with it. In particular, she was concerned with our tap and our drinking water: it is either north polarized or south. The significance of the polarity of our water and its huge effects on our health will be explained below. Dr. Clark made this discovery using the syncrometer. She measures the polarity using a sample bottle of pre-polarized water.

How her sample bottle is polarized. To north polarize a bottle of water, the bottle is set upon the north pole of a magnet for 2-5 minutes. Dr. Clark uses a 4 x 5 inch magnet and sets the bottle right in the center as she does not want any "south energy" flowing over the magnet edge affecting the bottle. Likewise, a south bottle sample is made by setting the bottle on the southpole of the magnet for 2-5 minutes.

Test. Here is a fun experiment to check on your samples: If you hold a small magnet over the switched plate of the syncrometer (with its north side pointing down towards the plate), and then place a bottle of north polarized water on the test plate, you will find resonance! All you have to do is hold the magnet over the switched plate!...the pole just needs to point at the plate from above (cool!)

We are what we drink. In general, south polarized water is the "bad" water...the water she has associated with illness and failure to regain health. Our body fluids are in close equilibrium with the water we are drinking. She said that in about two days time, our body's polarity will come to match that of our drinking water. If we are drinking south polarized water, our body will quickly come to be south polarized. The bad news is that a healthy person should not have a south least not during the day! read on...


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