I decided to be my own guinea pig and tried it this morning. I took 1/4 c. and let it sit in boiling water for 5 minutes before straining and eating in small bites. It didn't take long to chew and wasn't any more crunchy than some granolas you can get. I used an organic whole grain brown rice I'd found at Costco.
I'm feeling pretty poorly, I have 2 young kids to take care of, this diet of no starches/carbs/legumes and no dairy/meats/eggs/nuts/seeds leaves me with.... leaves. I have zero energy. I'd hoped the rice would give me a little bit of energy for the morning and act as a colon "scrubber" while I'm doing paraGONE.
I haven't decided if I'm going to continue the raw rice in the AMs for more than a week.
My Absorb Plus isn't coming til Friday, so unfortunately I'm left with spinach and random non-starchy vegetables til the end of the week. I'm so effing cold! haha maybe i'll sneak some flax meal in my tea