Yep. It was in Paul Pitchford's book under his regime for
parasite cleansing and/or maintenance... "Healing with Whole Foods; Asian Traditions and Modern Nutrition."
He's spot on with stuff, so I figured, it couldn't hurt.
I have only done it 3-4 times, not every day for 2 weeks like he suggests. His philosphy is that (1) it teaches you to chew well (so foods are properly absorbed/assimilated), and (2) the fiber will help brush your colon clean of unwanted critters. It's only 1/4 cup, not like you're snarfing down cups of carbohydrate.
I figured this was unnecessary, as I am taking a Greens supplement that has some
sprouted grains in it, and flax seed meal every morning for fiber.
It isn't hard on the teeth. I would soak the rice for 5 minutes in boiling water, drain, add some cinnamon, and slowly chew 1 T. at a time til it was liquid. No reaction to it. He says that people with weak teeth could soak the rice overnight, but I find this step unnecessary after doing more research behind the philosophy.
I wouldn't recommend any unsoaked/unsprouted grains for candida sufferers. This was recommended for a
parasite program in a book, which is what I think my problem stems from. (c;
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