Re: L-forms
Everyone is different... one man's medicine is another man's poison.
In addition, what you may need today nutritionally, may be bad for you tomorrow.
people need to understand this.
In the past, people ate with the seasons primarily... and rotated through periods of availability - along with periods of fasting.
I am not a fan of Newport's somewhat militant anti-vitamin D stance based upon some of the information he has posted - but, then again, I am not a fan of artificially getting your nutrition either, such as the use of supplements, if it can be avoided. Note: I would much rather someone treat their *symptoms*, deficiencies/imbalances, with a high quality supplement than to take a *drug*.
These days, every single person taking a prescription drug is doing so due to some sort of nutritional deficiency or imbalance that in turn causes, among other things, hormonal imbalances and metabolic dysfunction - the prescription drugs exacerbate the issue further, causing even more problems, while failing to address the ROOT cause(s) - such as an extremely polluted environment.
The two most important things to health are clean air... and clean water... we have neither.
Next is clean food - that no longer exists either even if you are getting the cleanest foods possible because the air and water the plants get are polluted.
The largest single overlooked issue with supplements IMO, is that one could easily cause any number of issues by taking too much, not enough, or in the wrong ratios, one with any number of others... and throw all kinds of things out of whack.
In other words if you feel you need more vitamin D than you can manufacture from the sun, or if you have a known metabolic issue that prevents you from efficiently making your own and have a deficiency in spite of getting enough sun... eat animal, fowl, fish oils and fats... eat the offal.
My guess is that heavy/fat/obese folks likely do not make vitamin D efficiently at all - nor do they utilize it properly - and then it gets locked up in their fat tissues. This is one reason why it has gotten the *beneficial* press that it has.
And get everything you need in the forms that the human body understands in order to metabolically make your own.
Exercise can help deal with a whole host of ails on its own because it revs up all manner of systems in the body... however, one can overdo exercise to the point that it becomes harmful too.
On a budget? Have a hard time eating right? Sleeping right? Dealing with depression, anxiety? Take mineral baths and exercise - get daily sun if you can - full spectrum lighting when you cannot. Drink filtered water.
Complex nutritional ratios matter... as much as any single deficiency or excess. Your body will do what you ask of it... do not impose your will on it - listen to it.