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Re: Help Needed For Teenage Daughter! I am confused.
jameskep37 Views: 1,974
Published: 12 y
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Re: Help Needed For Teenage Daughter! I am confused.

Spit test is not a reliable test for candida.

Syntol Amd-Not recommended--has B. Subtilis which can kill good+bad bacteria

Candex- has helped some on this forum. Appears to be some good feedback on I-herb website. Most effecvtive when taken on a empty stomach.   Might help with biofilm? Probably more designed with people that have mild candida/maintenance phase. If candex does cause "die-off" like some people claim.... it can be counter-productive with people that have strong fungal candida. Seems like the rx antifungals or products that cause candida's cell membrane to leak work better when candida is at a minimum and immunity is more effecient to handle the toxins being released. Otherwise the "die off" approach can be counter-productive because of all the toxins released from candida's cell wall leaking and the inflammation response created from the dying candida.

Gse-Take with a meal(if it doesnt irritate the gut). Can be a irritating substance. Found coconut oil to be just as effective without the irritation. GSE has worked for some,  but  may not work for those that have sensitive gut/inflammation in the gut....

Curamed/ turmeric.....Has she tried boswellia for inflammation?  I found boswellia to be more effective for inflammation than turmeric. Boswellia did act as a mild sedative for me. So i could only take it in the late evening/night.

Diet--can vary so much depending on each individuals gut ecology/digestive makeup. What works for some may not work for others. Thats why its so conflicting--Is everyones gut ecology can be different.  With me I had to do a diary by eating one food at a time to see how my body would react to it. I also experimented with food combining/ rotating foods. It can be a pain in the @**. Especially if one has a very sensitive gut.  If she has a sensitive gut/ gut inflammation i would be cautious with turmeric or GSE.  I also did a diary on supplements by only taking one at a time to see how my body reacted to it individually. If people are taking so many supps at one time its hard to pinpoint whats working and what isnt.

Glad the probiotics are helping her bowel movements.

How long was she on anti-biotics prior to her constipation?



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