Re: Help Needed For Teenage Daughter! I am confused.
Do we have scalp itch, genital rash, ear aches, fatigue, burping from sweets?
I will tell you what didn't work for me: Meaty diet: Meat does the opposite of probiotics, it creates a very bad environment for digestion and has to be avoided for now. Nuts, very high fat. Coats the intestinal fungus for bad rotting. Fruits, sugars feed candida. Avoid all oils. Theres a deficient liver working because of this infection, so avocados and nuts are dangerous. Steam or boil everything. I had 2 doctors say for immune system reasons NO GLUTEN. Nobody with impaired digestion should have gluten.
Foods that are medicinal for me. 3 bags of baby spinach boiled down each day. Excellent fiber source. Anti-fungal superfood. Steamed broccoli helps. Steamed asparagus. Brussel sprouts. These foods are prebiotics, allowing for the proper bacteria growth. Taken with probiotics, thats powerful. Furthermore, a spinach and broccoli fast for me always zaps out yeast for a couple days if I get flared up. I made my friend do this because her "fibromyalgia" has finally become athletes food and she is finally listening to me that her problem is candida and not a life sentence.
Starches I am doing great with. Redskin Potatoes, some brown rice. White rice too. These foods allow the cleanse to give you enough calories to sustain and not be dropping a lot of weight. Candida feeds off sugar, but these foods do not turn into
Sugar until your body is using them. They are not sweet in the intestines like a banana or apple sauce.
Minimal protein from fat free fish 1x serving per day only when symptoms are gone. none for first few days of cleanse Shrimp, Scallops, cod. Portobello mushrooms
I think starches will ferment if you are eating too much protein. I was eating a ton of steamed cabbage but when I added too much turkey breast I got a flareup. The cure has to be a vegetarian one. It is the most efficient way to get nutrients and energy with no protein around to bog things down.
Do some research on prebiotics and the condition called putrification disbiosis. This diet is not simply just eliminating carbs and sugar. You need to split up carbs and
Sugar and look at fiber and digestive health. I have strong opinions about the meaty fatty candida diet because I dropped weight and lost a year of my life to the crackpot unconventional advice. I rely on years of ancient digestive practices and a high meat diet is a one way ticket to obesity or IBS. A vegetable fast will kick this in 3 days and then you need to figure out how to be on a high veg diet that only allows traces of the lean protein and pretty good servings of the starches.
I got my ideas from these experts:
They are vegans that promote high fruit. Follow their vegan advice and go a step further by not having any fruit, you will kick this in a few days.
I want this infection gone yesterday because I had to move to my parents place in the midwest from where I was working in Miami.....Now in 8 weeks I am going to Chile and Panama to pick one. I tested and tested foods to get me better so I can have a life. When candida is invading your organs there is no shot at activities, relationships, or a life without depression. I thought I had mono leading up to this until finally collapsing. There was bad advice out there that pointed me to red meat and nuts. I hope to help you and anyone else avoid this and not have you waste weeks because it is very scary to be trying things that people say work and having them do just the opposite. Try my strict plan so no activities are missed out on within a couple weeks.