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Re: Should I go on anti-depressant severely depressed

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Re: Should I go on anti-depressant severely depressed


don't go on antidepresssants. you might get some short term gain but in the long run you will pay for it.

i would stop every single one of your supplements for the time being. start working on your basic diet, and perhaps some h202 baths, 1 pint hydrogen peroxide diluted in a full bathtub of warm water.

get some good salt, realsalt, himalayan or Sea Salt and generously salt your food. this should in turn make you more thirsty and allow you to properly absorb fluids which will take care of extreme dehydration.

in a 'crash' state, the body is so confused that you can have bad reactions to supplements even if all of the literature says that such and such a supplement is the perfect remedy.

check out the Blood Type Diet , or some of the other basic healing diets like macro, vegan, paleo, fruitarian, etc. one of them is likely to be a good fit for the time being. people seem to skew into one of these diets when they are out of balance, either leaning one way toward vegan or paleo. also look into gluten intolerance/celiac. i wouldn't recommend any cleansing at this point until you get some semblance of stability.

maybe check out some of the herbal adaptogens like licorice root (get a good quality one), rhodiola, ashwaghanda, ginseng. start with very small doses of anything non-food.

i think some of the main states associated with severe Depression are lack of oxygen, lack of sugars and imbalance of amino acids and neurotransmitters in the brain.

keep your bedroom pitch dark to help with sleep.

once the dehydration is addressed start doing saunas. then you can get into things like heavy metal detox and experiment with the supplements and cleansing.

i'd guess right now you need lots of sodium to start the ball rolling.

the temptation when you feel this low is to do something very drastic, but it's actually the worst thing in the world unless you get very lucky.

i would also crosspost on some other forums as it is likely that you aren't just dealing with adrenal issues.

it would be a good idea to post your whole history somewhere.



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